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5 Things no-one tells you about starting a blog…

Lets get started…

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5 Things no-one tells you about when starting your blog. Here is the top 5 that we found and how to fix and overcome them.

So you’ve done a bit of research and picked your niche, now you feel ready to put the wheels in motion to start and launch your blog?

Welcome the twisty path my friends, i have broken it down to our top 5 so lets get started….

One – Harder than it looks.

Starting your blog is a 24/7 job. After taking your time to decide on your niche, buying your domain and choosing a hosting platform, you have opened the doors where You will now be constantly be thinking of new ideas, doing research, editing, proof reading.

Its not something that is as simple as typing a blog post and that’s it.

You will have to work on it, and keep working on it. You will get there and you will feel like giving up but keep going. you can do it.

Two – Social Media.

Whether you like it or not social media is going to play a massive part. Most people know that the biggest traffic driver to your blog is Pinterest. Depending on your niche will depend on what other platforms will work for you too.

If your chosen niche is fashion, food, craft, nails, make up or various other visuals then Instagram will also be your friend along with Twitter.

If you’re more of a story teller then youtube it is for you. Any platform you choose, you will have to build a following, otherwise who is going to look at your work?

Building your following is pretty easy, just make sure you are true and honest, engage with people who have taken the time to engage with you and don’t be afraid to learn if someone offered constructive criticism.

Three – Costs.

Becoming a blogger and starting your own business (that’s essentially what your blog is) and it is going to cost you!

It will cost you some of your hard earned cash, and unfortunately most of it you can’t pay it monthly, well not on the sites I’ve checked.

All the sites I have checked and researched all “claim” its a “low price of £ per month” which is true when you break the annual amount down to monthly. But I know some people don’t have the whole amount at that exact time.

That’s something we stumbled over at the begining. We were super excited and all ready and thought “yeah great, monthly payable is super affordable” and then on the next page it was like a huge steel shutter came down on us as that particular month we didnt have the whole amount.

So that just meant that we would have to wait til the next month, and we did. Was this something I wish we had been told before getting super excited? YES!!

Then its going to cost you your time, and a lot of it. Deciding your theme, getting creative and really throwing yourself into your blog.

Also when your not stitting at your laptop or computer, you will still be mentally working on your blog.

Making notes and gathering content for your blog will also take your time, But its definitely worth it if its something you are serious about.

We eventually decided on Bluehost for our domain and hosting. So far so good.

Four – Don’t give up.

Oh boy this was me so many times a few years ago. Truth is we did give up the first few times (years ago) we tried free websites and paid ones too.

On the free sits it was ok but very rigid and generic, yes I got traffic but wasn’t able to monetize the free site and that kinda made me loose my motivation, so that one faded out.

Then we tried a paid site, buying our domain and hosting separately, yeah that was a massive ball-ache! Again quite rigid and not very open for customization. So once again that fizzled out.

This time round though we are older, wiser (maybe) but above everything we are determined to make it work this time.

After doing a lot of research, joining Facebook groups and asking a lot of questions and gathering as much information and advice, we chose to go with Bluehost.

Bluehost has it all, domain, hosting and WordPress, which is the most favored content management system. 64% of of CMS (content management system) is powered by WordPress, that’s a lot!!

Five – It will take time to get established.

Meaning it will take time to gain your loyal following and build your regular readers. Also to once your blog is monetized it could take a while to make money.

But it will happen if you are serious and as long as you are determined.

Keep posting, sharing, learning and engaging.

That’s it for now on 5 things no-one tells you you about starting a blog. Hope you found this helpfull. please feel free to drop us a message or comment.

Happy blogging. Chow for now Hazel & John.

5 Things no-one tells you about starting a blog.

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