marked country on a map

5 reasons why you should travel.

If you’re reading this then you either love to travel, you are considering travel. We love travelling and seeing new places, meeting new people and tasting new and exciting delicious food. But if that’s not enough for you to start travelling then read on to discover more in depth reason to pack up and jet off…

5 reasons why you should travel
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on

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Here is list of our top 5 reason to travel.

1◇ Breathing new air.

Yes i know that sound silly or weird but stick with me and I’ll explain what I mean.

So when I say breathing new air what I mean is taking a deep breath and letting it sink in that you are the master of your journey and you just need to soak it all in. Most places have cleaner air as they are not so built up with heavy traffic and pollution (London, Bangkok, big cities) Generally coastal and beach areas give the freshest air (sea air is always good for the lungs)

Breathing in new air in a different country helps to melt away all of life’s stresses and worries, taking time to focus on you, taking in your surroundings and just listen. Clear your mind and hit the refresh button.

Even before you travel, give it a try. Take yourself to your nearest beach or open green space away from traffic, away from the hustle and bustle, sit and just take deep breaths and you will definitely feel the benefits. Then add that to a new country and your winning.

2 ◇ New experiences.

Weither its a new action activity, trying a new method of transport or simply meeting the locals. Something that takes you out of your usual routine and even out of your comfort zone is a new experience. Don’t get me wrong, not all experiences are good but its still an experience.

For short city breaks or quick low cost getaways we always use and so far we have had no issues and really good experiences.

Its always good to get the adrenaline going and book an activity you have never done before, try something that scares and excites you. Once you have done it, thats a memory and experience you can think about and enjoy that fact you done it.

Now when it comes to trying new methods of transport, do some research! Which we didn’t do when we took a trip to Rome. We stayed on the outskirts of Rome City centre, which meant we had to take not 1 but 2 buses to get to all the attractions.

But what we didn’t know was that you had to have a pre bought ticket as you couldn’t but it on the bus (we did find a ticket station eventually)

I can’t say it enough DO YOUR RESEARCH! There are some handy apps than can give you information and of course good old Google.

Be careful when doing your research. Even though we did our research, no one tells you, you could pay a fine at the airport, depending on your mode of transport.

Which is what happened when we travelled to Paris airport via train. We got stung.

Even though we did our research and we used Google translate to buy our tickets from the train station near our hotel back to the airport.

Once we got to the airport stop and headed up to go check in for our flight back home we were stopped by 2 “officials” who proceeded to demand another €70 each.

We showed the tickets we bought that clearly stated our from and too (stop we were at). Anyway long story short we have to pay the extra €70 each otherwise they were not going to let us go and we would have missed our flight.

Other than being €140 lighter we made our flight and got back to the UK. Would we visit Paris again? Yes. Would we get the train to the airport? Definitely not.

quad biking in dusty back roads of tunisia
Quad biking, Tunisia 2022.

3 ◇ Breaking your routine.

Travelling to a new country breaks up the the daily grind of working, going home, going to bed, and doing it all over again the next day and the next day and so on.

Waking up in a new room, new smells, different sounds and generally shaking off “your norm”. When we travel away, we become much less stressed and all our worries simply melt away and we can relax and enjoy this one life we have to live.

Breaking your routine doesn’t mean you have to change absolutely everything, but change and shake ups does so much for your soul, mental health and overall general happiness, coz let’s face it, we all want to be happy right?

It’s in our human nature to be curious and try new things, so if it sounds a bit intimidating start with something small like taking a different route home or trying a new cafe/restaurant, smile at strangers.

Dont be afraid to try something new, you’ll never know the outcome if don’t give it a try.

4 ◇ Learning.

Now some people get this confused with new experiences. Yes it is a new experience but Learning something new could mean so much more.

For example a few weeks before we explore a new country we always learn helpful and useful phrases in that countries language. It’s something I’ve always done and it has always been greatly appreciated.

Travelling opens up a whole new and diverse world and cultures you only get told about or read in books.

To actually be there and immerse yourself in that culture at that time not only creates lasting memories for you and the people you are with at that time but it broadens your mind, educates you in things you didn’t even think about.

5 ◇ Food & drink.

delicious food a pie with berries on top on a floral plate
Photo by solod_sha on

Ok, so back home where you know your surroundings and have your favourite restaurants and takeaways can sometimes get….. Well a little dull and boring.

At least it does for me. That’s why I’m always super excited to try new foods and flavours, not forgetting the drinks, alcoholic and non alcoholic.

I’m not a massive fan of super spicy foods but I’ll try it. Our first trip to Thailand, I ordered duck in plum sauce (something familiar but with a twist) and oh my days!!! It’s was absolutely incredible!

The flavour explosions and the tenderness of the meat, its was the best meal I had that trip.

Another thing with trying new food outside your home country I found, is that they NEVER get it wrong, even with language barriers. In the uk you’ve got a 40/60% chance it’s going to be wrong (60% it’ll be wrong)

Most of the countries we have been too are so proud of their country and really want you to have a great time there and their customer service is amazing.

When I say customer service I don’t mean just in the restaurants, it includes street food sellers and side Cafés.

Thank you taking the time to read our post. We do have some exciting things in the pipeline, in the meantime you can head over to our YouTube and Tiktok channels and watch what we’ve been up to, also we’d greatly appreciate if you give us a subscribe and follow.

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Chow for now, Hazel & John @chasingthedream

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