
Read this before booking flights with Ryanair.

The information provided is from personal experience and research. Hopefully this helps you chase your dream and not live a nightmare.

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We all love to get things cheaper if we can, especially now we’re in “cost of living crisis” so booking flights with Ryanair is a good option. However, there are a few extra charges you could encounter if you do not read and pay attention.

READ this before booking flights with Ryanair.

Our trip to Bratislava with flights was booked on, I’ve used them for a few of our city breaks and never had an issue, I’ve not had any issues this time either but had I not checked in online, that would be a very different story. So I’ll break it down what the extra charges you may have if you do not pay attention.

Starting with…

crop unrecognizable person demonstrating british passport
Photo by Ethan Wilkinson on


With the technology and the times we are in majority of people have a mobile or some sort of technical device on them. So most people would probably download the app and check-in online. But for those who don’t and booked on a home computer, we’ll friend unfortunately you may end up having to pay £55 per person to check in once you arrive at your airport. But this information isn’t readily available until 24-48 hours before check-in (I was notified 24 hours before)

Once you are checked-in online and have your boarding pass when you get to departures you can go straight through to security on so on. Checking in and going through security was actually a fairly quick and smooth process.

Then we have…

Boarding pass

Now this is an essential document to get anywhere in the airport or anything in duty free (along with your passport).

But if you arrive to the airport WITHOUT printing your boarding pass you may be charged £20 per person. But you can avoid this if you have downloaded the app you will be able to show QR code and your all good, as long as you have signal to load or took a screen shot (you cleaver sausage) Don’t get me wrong I completely understand the flights are cheap for a reason but surely the essentials shouldn’t have an added cost, if you don’t have a mobile, its kind of like punishment for not being “in with the technology”

Moving on…

Seat selection

I’ll do a recap of the possible added extras at the end.

Ok so this is where some people get divided, but in my opinion if there is more than one person on the same booking reference number then you should be sat together without having to pay an extra charge. Unless you have stated somewhere you do not wish to be seated next to this person. I know most long-haul flights that’s what they try to do. Luckily the flight from Stansted to Bratislava is only 2 hours.

Again this isn’t something you can do until online check-in is open. As its only a 2 hour flight its fine. Anyway I’m pretty sure once I clicked continue the online system decided to take the mick…….and seat us at opposite ends of the plane! Seat selection starts at £6pp each way, if you are lucky enough to get those low priced seats.

John is all the way at the back in row 33 and I am in row 7! We do find it funny so it’s not really a massive deal for us. But for some people it is a big deal, so it’s just a heads up if you don’t pay for your seat selection you will more than likely not be sat with your travel party.

And finally…


For this 3 day trip were only taking hand luggage, which is something we have never done before. We usually take at least one case between us for 7 days or less with a hand luggage each and a suitcase each for any travel over 7 day also with hand luggage. So this was actually an easy pack for myself which I was surprised about.

Luggage at airport

As with most airlines we have 10kg for our hand luggage (the one you put in the over head locker or under the seat infront) and as long as your bag fits the size criteria you’ll be ok. Now you’ll have to check with the airline your flying with as some have different sizes requirements. I’m pretty sure all airports have one of those bag slots you can put your bag in to make sure it fits, but wouldn’t you rather the peace of mind getting it right from home? Otherwise you could be charged £69.99 and that’s not including the cost if your bag is over the weight limit.

It’s always best to do as much research as you can and make your like and your journey a bit less stressful. The seats a comfy enough for a short haul, the flight attendants are polite and friendly.

  • Would I book with Ryanair again? Yes but short haul only.
  • Would I recommend Ryanair? Yes after giving the information and for short haul only.

As I said above, here is a quick recap of the possible costings you may get if you do not read and pay attention to your booking information

  • Not checking in online = £55pp
  • Not printing boarding pass yourself = £20pp
  • Choosing seats from = £6pp
  • Baggage charge for non carry-on = £69.99pb

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Chow for now, Hazel & John @chasingthedream

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    1. Just another way to squeeze money out of people. Other airlines are doing very similar. Thanks for your comment 😊

  1. I don’t know which is more insane – £55 for not checking in online or £20 for not printing boarding passes! 😱😱 It’s so helpful that you actually listed these things out!

    1. Aww thank you, means alot. Its absolutely crazy, trying to squeeze money from every possible option. Whay about those who don’t have access to printers? Or know they have to download the Ryanair app? Its a crazy world we live in. Thank you for your comment 😊

    1. Absolutely, and if it’s not something you knew before arriving, can you imagine the frustration and shock of having to pay there and then. Its very naughty. But I’m glad people are reading so they know before they go. Happy travels, enjoy Dublin 😉

  2. Interesting post! I do fly with Ryanair quite frequently and I do like them since they make flying accessible for all. Yes, you have do do everything online, but for the price, I happily do that and just take a little 30l backback on a two-week trip – certainly possible with a bit of planning and access to a laundry. I admit I have brought back the odd small carrier bag with souvenirs and foodstuff, and as long as it is within reason I never had to pay extra,

    1. Thanks for your comment. Definitely habe to keep an eye on those sneaky trip up that could cost more than whay you budget for 😊

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